One Chance
Providing awareness workshops and training for students, parents
and guardians on the subjects of County Lines.
Providing awareness workshops and training for students, parents
and guardians on the subjects of County Lines.
I am the director of One Chance, and I have been working in the criminal justice sector for around 14 years. During this time, I have worked in prisons, community drug and alcohol teams, courts, and with a variety of offences.
I am passionate about and firmly believe that awareness-raising and accurate information workshops for EVERYONE will be essential to making a positive difference in victim and/or perpetrator statistics whilst making communities restorative again.
Throughout my career, I have grown more aware of the significance of the situations in which a proactive and early intervention approach could have stopped someone from committing a crime, which has brought me to my current position.
Sadly, no one is exempt from becoming a victim of County Lines and its associated criminality and exploitation. It doesn’t matter about age, gender, race, religion, postcode, education status, background/upbringing, or family wealth.
We need to stand in unison and prevent innocent youths and vulnerable adults from becoming victims.
We want to introduce our innovative educational workshops designed to empower children with the knowledge and awareness they need to navigate the complexities of county lines and the associated dangers. 'We' are One Chance and DBA Project, a collaborative partnership fuelled by a collective commitment to reduce the harm and exploitation
We want to introduce our innovative educational workshops designed to empower children with the knowledge and awareness they need to navigate the complexities of county lines and the associated dangers. 'We' are One Chance and DBA Project, a collaborative partnership fuelled by a collective commitment to reduce the harm and exploitation of children and young adults. Through prevention, early intervention and rehabilitation, we stand united in our expertise and therapeutic approach to care. With extensive experience working within the criminal justice system and the lived experience of our coaches and mentors, we are perfectly positioned to deliver unique and impactful workshops to create lasting change.
Workshops are designed to be interactive with delegates including proactive and reactive elements, whilst heightening crucial awareness around the subject of County Lines to contribute towards increased learning and importantly reducing the number of victims of such crimes.
One Chance and The DBA Project have a number of projects for organisational staff which is dependant of the organisation.
Each program will promote an additional branch of Safegu
In order to provide extended assistance to the community, One Chance provides an extensive list of agencies people can refer to when in need.
Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about how One Chance can assist your school or community or if you have any other questions.